I have SharePoint Online environment, I use custom page layout for a specific publishing SP site.
When i go to "Rating settings" for the default page library with in the site and i activate "Allow items in this list to be rated?" and select "Likes" in the field. I get the Like/Unlike just for Allitems.aspx page.
I want to embed the same functionality on every page that uses my custom page layout.
I found the web controls that does the Rating functionality,
<SharePointPortalControls:AverageRatingFieldControl FieldName="5a14d1ab-1513-48c7-97b3-657a5ba6c742" runat="server"/>
This code adds Page Ratings on all pages that uses the custom page layout.
I want to add something similar to get "Like feature" instead of Page Rating.
Are there any web controls or custom code options available for SharePoint Online?
I tried this, http://npatro.com/using-like-and-rating-functionality-in-sharepoint-2013-pages/, but that din help.
Please suggest.