We are running SharePoint 2013 Server on prems. I am trying to create a new blog site under my personal site. There is a link in the quick lunch but when I click on it, it points me to:
https://[domain]/personal/[username]/Blog/ _layouts/15/start.aspx#/ default.aspx
the result is to get an error message:
Instead, if I try to visit the url: https://[domain]/personal/[username]/Blog/default.aspx
The Blog is showing just fine with a sample post. I am trying to understand why this is happening as there are many users complaining that their link is broken and they cannot access their blog. This is not true on sites with blogs that have posts already.
It seems that when you create a new My site the blog site link is created as well (link is added in the quick launch) but it's not initiated. How can I fix that?