We have an office 365 tenant, and i am trying to create a new enterprise wiki site collection @ /sites/oursitename/
. but for more than 24 hours, I am still getting this error "We're still working on it and it might take 24 hours.", as follow:-
So I am not sure what is going on? Although when i tried to create a classic team site @ /sites/oursitename2/
it worked well, where the classic team site got added after 10 minutes only!!.. so can anyone advice on this please?
One note i have:- Last week I have migrated our on-premises team site to our built-in root site (which is a classic team site), but the migration failed (where only part of the data got migrated), so I have removed the root site and i created a new root site collection of type classic team site, and i did the migration again, and it went well. So i am not sure if recreating the root site collection have any effect on the issue i am facing? Although i followed these steps when i deleted the root site collection https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bb8e165b-df47-457c-af87-a02754b4c982/spo-root-site-recreation?forum=onlineservicessharepoint, and i removed the deleted site collection from recycle bin using this power-shell command:-
Connect-SPOService -url https://****-admin.sharepoint.com -Credential $credential
Remove-SPODeletedSite -Identity https://*****.sharepoint.com/sites/****/
I also tried to create a new site collection without template, as follow:-
and after 5 minutes the site got created correctly, then i navigated to the site and i chose the template, but after that i got this error:-