I want to retrieve all the library items of a content type "Prod Request". I am using REST API for this. I am not able to get lookup column values.In below query my lookup column name is LookUp1. I am getting all column values except LookUp1. I mapped LookUp1 column to managed properties and ran a full crawl also but no use. Is there a different way for doing it in search api? Here is my query...... Please assist.
url: https://mysite.domain.com/_api/search/query?querytext='contenttype:Prod Request'&rowlimit=100&trimduplicates=false&selectproperties='Title,LookUp1',
method: "GET",
headers: { "ACCEPT": "application/json;odata=verbose"
success: function (data) {...........
Some more info... lookup column managed property is added at Site Collection administration level not at central admin level. Full CRAWL is also performed... I also tried modifying $expand my lookup column like below
url: "https://mysite.domain.com/_api/search/query?querytext='contenttype:Prod Request'&rowlimit=100&trimduplicates=false&selectproperties='Title,LookUp1/Title'&$expand=LookUp1",
but it didnt work