I've created a new extension to SPFx to create a new item for a list. This contains more checks then the default action, because some fields depends on an other field. My question is now how could I replace the default "new" command by my custom created "new" command?

Same thing with the "edit" command.

  • 2
    You need hide original with CSS and move your to its position. Commented Jan 30, 2019 at 15:19
  • @ZdeněkVinduška: Removing the buttons using CSS is not a good opinion because other buttons from other lists will being removed to. 🙁 Commented Jan 31, 2019 at 8:47

2 Answers 2


Unfortunately removing default buttons in not supported in modern SharePoint right now. One alternative is to customize the form in power-apps and remove all the fields from the form. Leaving the form with a label "This form isn't functional".

Now the user is supposed to click the other command button. This is what we did as a work around.


You can always, although it is not recommend, hide buttons with css, with the help of a spfx application customizer.

Lets say you want to hide the "new button", just need to make yout spfx extension import a custom css or sass file with:

  button[data-automationid="newCommand"] {
    display: none;

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