In Office 365 licenses and service plans can be set by PowerShell. There are several licenses available such as "ENTERPRISEPACK" which is the code for "Office 365 Enterprise E3".
Within the enabled license of Office 365 Enterprise E3 there are several Service Plans for included products like "SharePoint Online".
I need to enable the license "ENTERPRISEPACK" for all users of the region "US" and "DE". In addition I need to activate Service Plan "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE" (SharePoint Online (Part 2) for all of this users.
Most of them still have "ENTERPRISEPACK" enabled but do not have service pack SharePoint Online enabled.
Anyone knows how to solve this by PowerShell.
I can connect to O365 and read available Service Plans with this commandlets.
Get-MsolAccountSku | Where-Object {$_.SkuPartNumber -eq “ENTERPRISEPACK”} | ForEach-Object {$_.ServiceStatus}