I want to call SPFX react child component from parent component . But I am getting error while creating react component .


Declaration or statement expected. Cannot find name 'div'. Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'ReactElement'.

Child Component:

export interface IDCLabelProps {
    thisCount: number;
    parenIid :number;

    export default class ShopingCart extends React.Component<
      public constructor(props: IDCLabelProps, state: IDCLabelProps) {

      public render(): React.ReactElement<IDCLabelProps> {
        return (
          <div className={styles.shopingCart}>


How can I fix this ? Please help .

1 Answer 1


I see two issues:

  1. You need to close your constructor
   public constructor(props: IDCLabelProps, state: IDCLabelProps) {
  1. You probably named your component file YourComponentName.ts -- with a .ts extension. Rename your file to YourComponentName.tsx and it should magically start working.

I hope this helps?


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