I am working to use promoted search results to help guide our users towards their most common query faster. The issue is that you have to select Organization in order to see promoted search results. Does anyone have any recommendations for solving the issue of displaying promoted search results in the default search or making the default search the organization search?

FYI - This is for SharePoint Online

Search example for a promoted result I added:

enter image description here

It does not display the promoted result, clicking Organization enter image description here Now it shows the promoted search result

enter image description here

Thank you for your help!

2 Answers 2


did not come across this. But logical thinking tells me to do below

  1. Get the Organizational results page URL (it would differ from normal search with respect to parameters I suppose)
  2. Set it as the default search results page

Below is not a desired way

If above cannot be accomplished (meaning the URL doesn't change between normal search and org search & its an internal PostBack), then see whats happening while you click on "org" using F12 dev tools and try to call that on page load (Jquery.load(executeOrgClick))


came across this question when I was searching for a solution myself. You can use PnP powershell to make Organization level search as default.


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