I have a Checkboxes (allow multiple selections) field in a list and i would like to show the values as checkbox selected/unslected in a custom webpart(Using SharePoint Designer. Currently i show them as text. e.g Options :Red,Yellow But what want is Options : CheckboxSelected-Red,CheckboxUnSelected-Blue,CheckboxSelected-Yellow

When i Format as checkbox what i get is:

Which just shows a checkbox with no text and nothing..

Any ideas.I want something similar when i select the item in Edit View. Thankks in advance.

  • Can you post your code? It appears it didn't come through.
    – iOnline247
    Dec 20, 2011 at 3:20
  • Yeah it didn't and thanks for the reply. I have been able to get the checkbox values by formating the node as list for field. Chrs
    – naijacoder
    Dec 20, 2011 at 3:53


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