I have an [assessment] and a [reassessment] column and I want to calculate the new reassessment due date.

If the [assessment] date is blank then I want the result to be blank.

If the [assessment] date is not blank and the [reassessment] date is blank then I want to add 3 years from the [assessment] date.

If the [reassessment] date is not blank then I want to add 6 years from the [assessment] date.

I need help. The formula below give me an error and this is where I am at.

=OR(IF(ISBLANK([Assessment]),(IF(NOT(ISBLANK([Reassessment])), "", DATE(YEAR([Assessment])+3,MONTH([Assessment]),DAY([Assessment])), DATE(YEAR([Assessment])+6,MONTH([Assessment]),DAY([Assessment]))

Thanks in advance!

  • I resolved it. =IF(ISBLANK([Assessment]), "",IF(ISBLANK([Reassessment]), DATE(YEAR([Assessment])+3,MONTH([Assessment]),DAY([Assessment])), DATE(YEAR([Assessment])+6,MONTH([Assessment]),DAY([Assessment])) thanks Commented Dec 28, 2018 at 19:31
  • You can answer your own question in below(answer) section. Commented Dec 28, 2018 at 19:46
  • I resolved it. =IF(ISBLANK([Assessment]), "",IF(ISBLANK([Reassessment]), DATE(YEAR([Assessment])+3,MONTH([Assessment]),DAY([Assessment])), DATE(YEAR([Assessment])+6,MONTH([Assessment]),DAY([Assessment])) Commented Jan 3, 2019 at 14:38

1 Answer 1


I resolved it using below formula:

=IF(ISBLANK([Assessment]), "",IF(ISBLANK([Reassessment]), DATE(YEAR([Assessment])+3,MONTH([Assessment]),DAY([Assessment])), DATE(YEAR([Assessment])+6,MONTH([Assessment]),DAY([Assessment]))

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