I am using SPO365 in Classic Mode to render cascading dropdowns on a document library edit form. I am trying to use Hillbilly Cascade to achieve this functionality, but for some reason I keep getting an Uncaught TypeError thrown at me noting that HillbillyCascade is not a function. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Note, that I am using bootstrap in the masterpage for Classic Experience.
Has anyone known of any issues experienced with bootstrap and Hillbilly Cascade?
Code is as follows:
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../SiteAssets/HillbillyCascade.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var cascadeArray = new Array();
parentFormField: "POC", //Display name on form of field from parent list
childList: "delParentTask", //List name of child list
childLookupField: "Title", //Internal field name in Child List used in lookup
childFormField: "Task Number", //Display name on form of the child field
parentFieldInChildList: "delPOC", //Internal field name in Child List of the parent field
firstOptionText: "< Select the Task Number >"
parentFormField: "Task Number", //Display name on form of field from parent list
childList: "delChildTaskName", //List name of child list
childLookupField: "Title", //Internal field name in Child List used in lookup
childFormField: "Task Name", //Display name on form of the child field
parentFieldInChildList: "taskNumber", //Internal field name in Child List of the parent field
firstOptionText: "< Select a Task Name >"
It's been loaded on the EditForm with a Script Editor. All url paths are correct; I can see that the Hillbilly Cascade script loads.
Error is as follows:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).HillbillyCascade is not a function at HTMLDocument. (EditForm.aspx:696)