I'm upgrading our SharePoint environment, and was just going over over the farm solutions. The past administrators simply added solutions from past versions "Just in case" but I can't find what some of them even do, let alone if they're useful in our new version.
We're upgrading to SharePoint 2016, using 3 servers MS 2016 Servers:
- Application with Search server
- Front-end with Distributed Cache
- SQL server
What do the following farm solutions do? Do they work in SharePoint 2016 (not entirely sure if they even worked in 2013)?
- applicationtemplatecore.wsp -- I think its a base for other solutions?
- dev4side.sp2010.filteredlookup.wsp -- I know what this does, but does it work in 2016? It just allows the creation of a filtered lookup instead of using custom JS to do the same.
- form-allitems.aspx.wsp
- projecttrackingworkspace.wsp
- usersadbrowser.wsp