I have a little confusion about this Storage Quota Allocated property in SharePoint Online.
If i ran Get-SPOTenant
, I get the StorageQuota : 1304576
& StorageQuotaAllocated : 104962048
StorageQuota property make sense as it is my total storage of the Tenant which is 1.24TB But what is this StorageQuotaAllocated(100TB)
numbers are ?
Note: I check the Quota Allocated to all my Sites in the Tenant which 325TB (13 sites each with 25tb limit).
If i run the Get-SPOGeoStorageQuota
then the results are same which are on our Tenant Admin page.
GeoLocation : NAM
GeoUsedStorageMB : 99
GeoAvailableStorageMB : 1304477
GeoAllocatedStorageMB : 0
TenantStorageMB : 1304576
QuotaType : Allocated
What is the StorageQuotaAllocated
means? from where these numbers are coming?