I have a Modern sharepoint online list with 2 views. Is it possible to create 2 button to change the view "on the fly"? either json or via ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet.CommandBar or is there an other way. I know I can create to links but that would reload the page and is to slow.

Thanks Morten

Update: Thanks Denis now i know React debug :) It looks like the change view "button / menu" is a customizedcommandbarbutton see picture, but i cannot find what it does. Because it is rather easy to make command bar buttons. enter image description here

2 Answers 2


I am not an expert at SharePoint Framework, but I can guess that we can't create a menu custom action that somehow can change React's state from outside and cause the proper page re-render.

Theoretically, if it's somehow possible, maybe SPFx's ListView command Set could do it. But I still doubt it.

enter image description here


If you create a List View command set extension in SPFx and redirect the user to a different page when he clicks on the button, that should do a partial page reload by default, not a full page reload.

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