I want to make a formula to my calculated column :

If the DD Rating is High => Add 3 months to the [DD Sign-off Date] If the DD Rating is Medium=> Add 6 months to the [DD Sign-off Date] If the DD Rating is Low => Add 12 months to the [DD Sign-off Date]

So the formula must be like this :

  =IF([DD Rating]="High",
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]),MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+3,DAY([DD Sign-off Date])),"dd/mm/yyyy")),
   IF([DD Rating]="Medium",
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]),MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+6,DAY([DD Sign-off Date])),"dd/mm/yyyy")),
   IF([DD Rating]="Low",
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]),MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+12,DAY([DD Sign-off Date])),"dd/mm/yyyy"))
  • So what is the problem with this formula? are you getting an error whilw saving this formula? Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 9:38
  • Yes when i save I get an error: Sorry, something went wrong
    – Jihen
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 9:40
  • Is DD Sign-off Date is required column? Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 10:07

2 Answers 2


All example formulas in this topic use commas "," as the parameter delimiter character. In some countries, the comma is reserved for use as the decimal mark. In such countries, users creating a calculated field must use semi-colons ";" as the delimiter character.

Try using:

=IF([DD Rating]="High";
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]);MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+3;DAY([DD Sign-off Date]));"dd/mm/yyyy");
   IF([DD Rating]="Medium";
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]);MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+6;DAY([DD Sign-off Date]));"dd/mm/yyyy");
   IF([DD Rating]="Low";
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]);MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+12;DAY([DD Sign-off Date]));"dd/mm/yyyy"))))

Try Using below Formula:

=IF([DD Rating]="High",
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]),MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+3,DAY([DD Sign- off Date])),"dd/mm/yyyy"),
   IF([DD Rating]="Medium",
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]),MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+6,DAY([DD Sign-off Date])),"dd/mm/yyyy"),
   IF([DD Rating]="Low",
TEXT(DATE(YEAR([DD Sign-off Date]),MONTH([DD Sign-off Date])+12,DAY([DD Sign-off Date])),"dd/mm/yyyy"))))
  • 1
    Same Problem :(
    – Jihen
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 10:22
  • Strange. I tried this and it is working on my site. make sure you are returning your calculated column as "Single line of text"(option given below formula) and DD Sign-off Date is date and time field. Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 10:26

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