I'm doing a REST to get "SharedWithUsers" field.
My query is expanding ID and Title of "SharedWithUsers" field:
var REST = globalvars.absoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists(guid '" + globalvars.libraryGUID + "')/items?"+
"$select=ID,Title,Tags,File_x0020_Type,FileLeafRef,Classificacao,Created,Modified,Author/Title,Author/ID,Author/Name,ParentList/ID,File/ModifiedBy,File/ServerRelativeUrl,File/Name,SharedWithUsers/ID,SharedWithUsers/Title&" +
"$filter=" + filter;
I don't know if the roles of each users (example: view only role or edit role) can be expanded with this query. I didnt found any documentation about that.
How can I retrive role information? Is possible expanding SharedWithUsers field?
Sorry for my english.