hello everyone form this query to find column records until this moment works for me but when I want to add that look for other records of the column department gives error I would appreciate your help
Query Good
"<View><Query><Where><Or><Eq><FieldRef Name='Usuario'/><Value Type='Text'>" + Txt_Buscar.Text + "</Value></Eq>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='Puesto'/><Value Type='Text'>" + Txt_Buscar.Text + "</Value></Eq></Or></Where></Query></View>"
Query Bad
"< View >< Query ><Where><Or><Or><And><Eq><FieldRef Name = 'Usuario' />< Value Type = 'Text' >" +Txt_Buscar.Text + "</ Value ></ Eq >" + "< Eq >< FieldRef Name = 'Puesto' />< Value Type = 'Text' >" +Txt_Buscar.Text + "</ Value ></ Eq >" + "< Eq > < FieldRef Name = 'Departamento' /> < Value Type = 'Text' >" + Txt_Buscar.Text + "</ Value > </ Eq ></ Or ></ Or ></And></ Where ></Query></View>";