i'm trying to save file to my drive using NodeJS as backend. So far, i managed to access


and get the return like;

enter image description here

so far, no error message appears and i assume the request to the above url is succeed. what can i do with this data? i tried to use fs.write() but then when i open the file, it corrupts. any response from you guys is highly appreciated.


Note: i tried using this method Download sharepoint document with REST as binary file not working for me but still didn't work.

2 Answers 2


There are some libraries available for such a task. For example consider sppull.
With sppull you can easily download file with just a few lines of code:

var sppull = require("sppull").sppull;

var context = {
  siteUrl: "http://contoso.sharepoint.com/subsite",
  creds: {
    username: "[email protected]",
    password: "_Password_"

var options = {
  spRootFolder: "Shared%20Documents/Contracts",
  dlRootFolder: "./Downloads/Contracts"
sppull(context, options)....

Also check out sp-download

  • When using sppull, please do consider the %20 in the url. I spend a day (!) on this problem when it got to me, that I should just have used a simple space bar " " instead. So in my case, it would be "Shared Documents/Contracts". Even if I copy the url from SharePoint and get the %20 inside the url, I need to replace them with a spacebar. Commented Aug 9, 2022 at 10:44

i've found out the solution for my case based on this thread :


everything works just fine.


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