Salute comrades,

So, i have two different lists say, ListUn and Listdeux, the fist one "ListUn" having items Test1 & Test2 under the fist column TestPand second column ColToPopulate ( see attached pic for visuals First List Image ),that has to fetch data from the second list "Listdeux" under column ColToPopulate that has unique items related to fist list's column TestP items correspondingly ( see attached pic for visuals Second List Image ).

What i am trying to archive is having ListUn's second column ColToPopulate to fetch and populate data from Listdeux Automatically and assign the items correponding the specific related item form the second list. The only column that is supposed to be filled is from the second list.

NOTE: What i have managed to do so far is setting up the column type to lookup and assigning the items manually(But what i want is this to happen automatically by looking up what as changed from the Listdeux

I hope i have at least explained the point

  • You can write a javascript function which query this data for you and then refer this function in presave() method on newform. Aug 10, 2018 at 12:54

3 Answers 3


For your requirement, I suggest you change the type of ColToPopulate column in TestUn list to “Multiple lines of text”, an then you can create a SharePoint 2013 workflow with “Call HTTP Web Service” action and “Update List Item” action in SharePoint Designer, the detailed steps as below:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Then in the workflow settings, we can select “start workflow automatically when an item is created” in Start Options section:

enter image description here

Finally, when a new item created in Listdeux list, the ColToPopulate column in TestUn list is updated.

For the existing items, you can start the workflow manually.

  • So i tried adding the workflow from SharePoint 365, but some how i only get 2010 workflow, basically there is no option to choose between the 2013 and 2010 workflow. see the pic i.stack.imgur.com/FUTsO.png Note, i don't have access to open the site on SharePoint Designer and i am not the Global admin. Thanks in adv Aug 9, 2018 at 10:15
  • The OOTB workflow cannot achieve the requirement. If you can use SharePoint Designer, you need to install workflow manager to create a custom workflow via SharePoint 2013 workflow platform. Aug 10, 2018 at 1:17
  • And that is the problem, i can't use SharePoint Designer, and its something that i can't do anything about(even requesting access) Aug 10, 2018 at 8:30
  • Btw, i was wondering its possible to archive everything with Flow(i know nothing about it though) Aug 10, 2018 at 8:37

If you don't need to populate you can just add additional column in display. When configuring the lookup field just use the option 'Add column to show each of these additional fields' then that fields shows up as new column in the second list.


Without automating a "copy" of the data as Hellofiona suggested, or coding a script that pulls from the REST api, there's no inherent way to show related items that are 1:Many in this fashion, at least not in the list view.

You CAN do this in the profile view (DispForm.aspx) quite easily, if that helps you at all. Basically you open up the profile page for ListUn and edit it, then add a list webpart for ListDuex. Then connect the "CurrentItem" to filter the items from the list webpart for ListDuex. With a bit of css and maybe some javascript to move things around, you can make it look like a decent "Profile" page with related or "detail" items displaying alongside the "master" record.

Again, this might not be what you intended, but it is an alternative to the problem that doesn't require coding to pull off (unless you want to get fancy with the UI side of it).

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