Can someone help me with this issue as I would like to create cascading dropdown lists inside the web part itself and not in the property pane.

I have found this code in [github react-custompropertypanecontrols" which does exactly what I want but I want them to be displayed in the web part itself.

Any help, please?

  • Link in your question is dead.. pls recheck this
    – DvG
    Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 7:21
  • oops. link added Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 7:32

2 Answers 2


You can do this using SPServices

$().SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns({ relationshipList: "States", relationshipListParentColumn: "Country", relationshipListChildColumn: "Title", parentColumn: "Country", childColumn: "State", debug: true });

You can check the example in the below link


The below image is very helpful to avoid confusion with using it

enter image description here


A cascading dropdown list in an SPFx web part using PnP JS can be created by following these steps:

  • Install the PnP JS library by running the command npm install @pnp/pnpjs in the terminal.

  • Import the necessary modules from the PnP JS library in your web part's component class.

  • In the componentDidMount() method, use PnP JS to retrieve the options for the first dropdown list from a SharePoint list.

  • Bind the options to the state variable of the first dropdown list.

  • Create a method to handle the onChange event of the first dropdown list. In this method, use PnP JS to retrieve the options for the second dropdown list based on the selected option of the first dropdown list.

  • Bind the options to the state variable of the second dropdown list.

  • In the render method, use the state variables to set the selected options of the two dropdown lists and to populate the options.

  • Use the onChange event of the first dropdown list to trigger the method that retrieves the options for the second dropdown list and updates the state.

Here is an example of how you might retrieve options for the first dropdown list using PnP JS:

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";

componentDidMount() {
    sp.web.lists.getByTitle("ListName").items.select("Title").get().then((items: any[]) => {
            firstDropdownOptions: items.map(i => ({ key: i.Title, text: i.Title }))

handleFirstDropdownChange = (event: any) => {
    const selectedOption = event.target.value;
    sp.web.lists.getByTitle("ListName").items.filter(`ColumnName eq '${selectedOption}'`).select("Title").get().then((items: any[]) => {
            secondDropdownOptions: items.map(i => ({ key: i.Title, text: i.Title }))

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