I'm working on a site, where a web part I'm building takes the name of a custom list type as a property when editing the web part settings.
The "List" that this visual web-part is designed to display, comes from a List template that is also installed into SP (Currently 2010).
Iv'e already figured out how to tell that the list assigned is "GenericList", but what I actually need to know is the specific list type. I'm obtaining this property from the SPList object type that I have for the list specified by the user.
In case anyone wants code... here you go.
errorMesg.Visible = false;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ListName))
errorMesg.Text = "Please assign the name of your JobsQueue list in the web part settings, under list settings";
errorMesg.Visible = true;
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList jobsQueueList = web.Lists[ListName];
if(jobsQueueList.BaseTemplate == SPListTemplateType.GenericList && <WHAT DO I PUT HERE TO SAY AND IS A JOBSQUEUE TYPE>)
catch (ArgumentException)
errorMesg.Text = $"The List name '{ListName}' does not exist in your current site, please ensure settings are correct.";
errorMesg.Visible = true;
However, I think Iv'e explained ok what I'm trying to achive (Well I hope I have any way!!! :-) )
In my solution, there are several custom List Templates added, and I need to know that the user has selected EG "JobsQueue" type, rather than "PaymentQueue" type.
All I can see so far is "list.BaseTemplate" which is how I know that the list is a Generic/Custom type, now I just need to figure out which custom type.
I'm doing this for good error handling, so that my visual component doesn't crash if a List type is assigned that doesn't have the correct list structure that it expects.
Any pointers on the best way to this greatly accepted.
Cheers Shawty
Iv'e been talking to a good friend of mine, who I know, knows Sharepoint very well, but he didn't have time to take me through an entire example, He suggested that I might want to try 1 of 2 things:
1) Add a taxamony metadata field on the list definition (I'm developing these lists and Web parts in Visual Studio 2015), then when I check the table type, just simply look for the metadata marker, to know the list type.
2) Alter the list type ID's in feature-elements.xml and then look for those ID's in the base type ID to determine the list type.
I don't know what either of those 2 options are, and as I say he didn't have time to explain to me, so if these ideas trigger anything for anyone before I get chance to hunt the knowledge down, please feel free to comment :-)
Update 2 (Approx 26+ hours later)
So after much more reading, and researching, and breaking things then fixing them again.
I think I've found what to me seems like a better method than scanning field names, I'll add an answer for it soon.