We have a BCS-model which gets data from a database outside of SharePoint. We make data from the BCS searchable by creating managed properties and then mapping them to the auto generated crawled properties from the BCS model.
I am developing a custom display template where I want to show that data from BCS. I can show some of the managed properties by accessing "ctx.CurrentItem", but not all of them. I.e I have a managed property called "CaseDate" which is not available on "ctx.CurrentItem". I can retrieve "CaseDate" by using rest API, but cannot find a way to access/show it in my display template.
Is there a way I can get a spesific managed property in my display template? How can I get the "CaseDate" in my display template ?
Edit: There is no error in crawl, and I have also tried "CaseDate" as managed property in ManagedProertyMapping in the display template.