I have shared a number of files located in my SP Online repository with a number of people outside of the company (mostly subcontractors and vendors). Each file was shared in a form of a link (File -> Share -> Anyone with a link). There are a lot of such files and links has been sent to multiple outside users.
Now I realize that even though there is still a need for the people to view the files, I am uncomfortable with the fact that anyone with a link can access corresponding file.
I could have re-shared the files anew using different settings but there are just too many of the files! Moreover, in doing so I might miss some of the people as files have not been shared in any centralized and controlled fashion (yes, I know...).
Is there any way (either through admin settings or PowerShell scripting) to add some kind of a filter on all outside/anonymous users that can access files shared with them using the "anyone with a link" function? Maybe using IP filtering or adding some kind of a page that requires entering a pass-code?