Actually, I created 10 tabs in top navigation bar using Navigation settings under Site settings /_layouts/15/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx

And I created specific group (Non-Users) and added few users in it.

Now I need to hide 3 tabs in navigation for Non-Users group persons.

For remaining person which are not mentioned Non-Users group, they can visible or see 10 tabs in navigation.

1 Answer 1


Use target audience. It will work perfectly.

Follow below steps :

  1. GoTo /_layouts/15/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx

  2. In the Structural Navigation section Click on the link/tab that you want to hide for Non-Users of the group

  3. Click on the edit option enter image description here

  4. In the Audience property specify the group name that should be able see the link and click OK. enter image description here Here Only users that are present in this group will be able to see this link. And for other users this link will be hidden.
  • Yeah @Rohit, Actually I already tried with this but need to create two groups. 1. More than 500 users (So Added Everyone from AD) 2. Non-Users group but they belongs to organizations. Now how to separate this non-user from AD
    – san
    Commented May 8, 2018 at 7:26

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