I have the following json output :


I am trying to map this to typescript interface

export interface IUserProperties {
    ParentTerm: ParentTerm;
    userProperties: UserProperties;
  export interface ParentTerm {
    Name: string;
    ID: string;
    Root: boolean;
    ChildTerm?: (ChildTermEntity)[] | null;
  export interface ChildTermEntity {
    Name: string;
    ID: string;
    Root: boolean;
  export interface UserProperties {
    BusinessUnit: string;
    Countries: string;
    GeoLocation: string;
    CompetenceArea: string;
    PictureURL: string;

But it doesnt work any help

1 Answer 1


It'd help to have the line of code that gives you this output.
I'm guessing you're using the fetch API or something similar and you're getting a Promise carrying the payload. Let's assume response is this object in the sample then this sample should help you:

(await response.json()) as IUserProperties 

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