I want to make some changes to all of the document libraries in a site collection, but not make changes to any other lists. In PowerShell, how can I check whether a list is a document library, or a different kind of list?

2 Answers 2


To see the all the lists in a site, and if they are a document library or not, this PowerShell script should be helpful:

$web = get-spweb http://<your site url>
$lists = $web.lists
foreach ($list in $lists) {
   write-host $list.title, "(", $list.BaseType, ")"

I ran this on one of my sites, and it returned a mix of "GenericList" and "DocumentLibrary" as the BaseType property.

You can also look at the property $list.BaseTemplate along with $BaseType to narrow down the number of system generated document libraries that are returned.


  • I chose this as the answer because it was very helpful to have all of the lists and their types as output. Quick note though, in the first line "get-spweb" should not have a dollar sign in front of it.
    – LFurness
    Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 20:01

Assuming you have instance of SPList in powershell, the BaseType of list would be SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary for list of type document library.

So that check may look like

if (oListObject.BaseType -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPBaseType]::DocumentLibrary) {


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