I am having the following problem in understating how the license for sharepoint online works when it comes to external users sharing. now i heard many customers mentioning the following:-
They want to share sites and files with external user (for example users with Hotmail accounts), as no additional license cost is required, unlike adding users to Office 365 which will require license to be paid.
now i tried to test this scenario:-
- i configure my Office 365 SharePoint online, to allow Sharing with External users.
- then i share a file with an external user, where the external user got an email, containing a link to the shared file. and the external user can access the file, and we did not have to buy a license for this external user.
my questions are:-
so can anyone advice if sharing files or sites with external users do not require additional license? if the answer is Yes, then can i be very naive and ask why not to create Hotmail accounts for all our users and force them to use those accounts to access sharepoint online sites!!
now as i mentioned i shared a file with external user, and this user was able to access the file. but when i checked the Users and Guests inside Office 365, i can not find this user!! but when i share a site with the user the user was added inside the office 365 Users. so i am not sure why sharing a file with a user will not add him to the Office 365 users? while adding a user to the site will add him to the Office 365 users list?