I need to put multiple CompoundButtons on my SPFX webpart, I need them to trigger the same onClick event handler.
How do I know in my event which button has fired? I tried to use an id, but it seems React (sometimes) changes this ID with it's own internal one.
public render(): React.ReactElement<IReportingProps> {
return (
<CompoundButton id='button1' ariaLabel='Button1' description='First button description' onClick={ this._RequestButton}>Button 1</CompoundButton>
<CompoundButton id='Button2' ariaLabel='Button2' description='Second button description' onClick={ this._RequestButton}>Button 2</CompoundButton>
<div> Result: {this.state.result}</div>
private _RequestButton(e:any):void{
result: e.target.id
The above code, some clicks the etarget.id is button1 or button2 other times it can be ID__101 Is there another property I should use to determine which button fired? I don't want to use the Title of the button.