Our Sharepoint site is on our company servers. I need to create a web app that can retrieve and post data from and to that site.

I use VS 2017, I tried to install Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client using Nuget, but that comes up with a "package restore failed" error. Should I be doing this with Nuget?

Could use some help and pointers as to how to set up the Client Side Object Model so I can start developing a web app that can make those data operations.

I believe the site is built with Sharepoint server 2013. And we use windows auth to manage site permissions.


  • Can you make sure the SharePoint module is installed in VS 2017. Also try downloading the CSOM dlls from server and add reference them in your project.
    – Ahmad Zia
    Commented Feb 14, 2018 at 2:11

2 Answers 2


Previously you would have needed to install the SharePoint Client Side SDK to access the required assemblies. Fortunately Microsoft has released Nuget packages for CSOM!

For on-prem SP2013 the package is:

  • This should be an accepted answer, @Yousuf Jamil Commented May 22, 2018 at 19:00

Did you install the visual studio 2017 in SharePoint server?

If so, you could add the reference from hive 15.

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI

For more detailed information, refer to the article below.

SharePoint Client Object Modal (CSOM).


  • 1
    I am using Visual Studio in my own machine for dev. purposes. Does that change anything? Commented Feb 14, 2018 at 16:10

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