I'm using SharePoint 2013, VS 2015, I want to Debug my Feature Activated Receiver which is WebApplication Scoped.

When I attach w3p or OWSTIMER processes the Feature doesn't show up in Central Administration. It seems like it doesn't even deploy.

When I don't attach the processes it does not stop at Breakpoints. I also tried to set Project properties

Active Deployment Configuration = No Activation

Can anyone help me with debugging FeatureReceiver in WebApplication Scope?

1 Answer 1


Here is a workaround for your reference, insert below code to your feature receiver.


enter image description here

Referenced thread:


  • thanks for your Answer i knew that one. The problem with this line is that it's not consistent in finding the right VS instance. I will mark your Answer as helpful though.
    – Jul
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 10:42

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