I'm having difficult rendering my JSLink file on a Custom List. My code looks to be fine from debugging, and I don't see any immediate issues if I include the code in a Script Editor, but my changes still aren't being applied. There are some weird issues going on in this site collection with custom lists in general; I can't tell if there's something inherently wrong/corrupt with this List Template Type or if it is my code.

Please advise.

Code included in .js file:


var itemCtx = {};
itemCtx.Templates = {};

itemCtx.Templates.Header = "<div id='container'><table><tr><td>Project Category</td><td>Project</td><td>Project Summary</td><td>Toolkit Compliance</td><td>Project Lead</td></tr>";
itemCtx.Templates.Item = ItemOverride;
itemCtx.Templates.Footer = "</table></div>";

itemCtx.BaseViewID = 1;
itemCtx.ListTemplateType = 100;



function ItemOverride(ctx) {

    var projCat = ctx.CurrentItem.projCat;
    var projSum = ctx.CurrentItem.Summary;
    var project = ctx.CurrentItem.Project;
    var projLead = ctx.CurrentItem.projLead;
    var projComp = ctx.CurrentItem.artCompliance;
    var html = "<tr class='content'><td><div id='projCat'>" + projCat + "</div></td><td>" + project + "</td><td>" + projSum + "</td><td>" + projComp + "</td><td>" + projLead + "</td></tr>";

        if (projCat == "Change Mangement") {

        else if (projCat == "Communications") {

        else if (projCat == "Modernization") {

        else if (projCat == "OBPI Support") {

        else if (projCat == "Process Improvement") {

        else (projCat == "Project Management Standardization"){
            $("div#projCat").addClass ("pms");
    return html;


The JSLink file was uploaded directly to the Masterpages Gallery as a Display Template Code. (There was not an option for JavaScript Display Template). And I copied and pasted an absolute URL versus a relative one for now.

*Also, two of the fields are lookup columns if that makes any difference.

  • What is the value of the JSLink property of the list web part configuration?
    – Drago Z.C.
    Commented Nov 24, 2017 at 14:56
  • /sites/intra/_catalogs/masterpage/projDash.js Commented Nov 24, 2017 at 15:06

1 Answer 1


Please make sure you are using the ~sitecollection URL token in your JSLink URL. In your case the URL should be ~sitecollection/_catalogs/.... Also, please make sure you check in, publish and approve your JS template file so that end users would be able to see the effect.


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