I have to get the list of sites which are using any of the 3 sharepoint AD groups. Here is function responsible for this:

function Search-Groups ($Web, $FilePath)
        foreach($User in $Web.Users)
            if($User.Name -eq "GLOpRED-SP_LT" -Or $User.Name -eq "GLOpRED-SP_PPDA" -Or $User.Name -eq "GLOpRED-SP_GPM")
                Write-Output $Web.Url | Out-File $FilePath -append
                Write-Host "Given groups are not being used in $($Web)"
        Write-Warning "An errorr occured when trying to access groups: $_" 

The problem is, that it didn't found any sites with those groups, despite that they exist. Anyone has an idea what is wrong with this function?

1 Answer 1


The "Name" of the SPUser (in this case AD Group) isn't necessarily the same as the "LoginName".

Run the following query to see the AD groups on a particular web. This will point you in the right direction:

$Web.Users | ? { ($_.IsDomainGroup) } | select Name, LoginName

It might be that the "Name" you're querying is totally different.

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