I have created custom content type, inherited it from Document Set parent content type and attached it to document library on SharePoint 2013 in Office 365. Now i want to dynamically create URL to add new document set to that document library.
New (decoded) document set URL is : https://someSiteName/sites/siteName/_layouts/15/NewDocSet.aspx?List=ecc261fd-bedc-4ca7-acaa-e9af6f9aa27b&ContentTypeId=0x0120D52000DC8614ED8780EC4099731DA643B72155 00690255D5A1270C44B9C372797D0606EF&RootFolder=/sites/siteName/Certifications
If we observe query string parameters, List = ListID, ContentTypeId = ID of my custom content type, RootFolder = Where document set is to be created
I have an issue getting ContentTypeId, ContentTypeId=0x0120D52000DC8614ED8780EC4099731DA643B72155 00690255D5A1270C44B9C372797D0606EF I am unable to find the highlighted part of GUID. I can only find ContentTypeId=0x0120D52000DC8614ED8780EC4099731DA643B72155 from the URL when i navigate to SiteSettings > SiteContentType > Click on custom document set content type.