I'm using PnP Powershell (which I'm new to) and I wish to find the URL of a document in a document library. The following returns Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ObjectPathIdentity rather than an actual value. Here's my code:

$url = "https://tenant.sharepoint.com/teams/test"
Connect-PnPOnline –Url $url –Credentials (Get-Credential $userCredential)
$web = Get-PnPWeb

$ctx = Get-PnPContext

$libs = Get-PnPList | Where{$_.BaseTemplate -eq 101} 

foreach($lib in $libs)


$libitems = Get-PnPListItem -List $lib -Fields "FileLeafRef"

foreach($libitem in $libitems)


    if({$_.Name -match ".doc*"}) 


        write-host "lib path... "$libitem.Path




The output is:

lib path... Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ObjectPathIdentity followed by the Id, Title and Unique Id of all library items in the library.

Any thoughts? I was expecting the Path of the list item to be returned.

1 Answer 1


You need to use $libitem["FileRef"].

So, modify your inner foreach loop as below:

foreach($libitem in $libitems)
    if({$_.Name -match ".doc*"}) 
        write-host "lib path... " $libitem["FileRef"]

It gives you the server-relative path of the file.

Also,if you just want the file name, use $libitem["FileLeafRef"]

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