we have deployed visual studio workflow and attached to a SharePoint 2013 list. after some changes we do publish it from Visual studio, but changes does not reflects immediately, we need to disassociate it and again associates it to list, then only changes gets reflects. this is normal process ? do we really require to do this way ?
1 Answer
This seems to be a bug that has been reported at the Visual Studio Feedback Section VS Workflow Update Issue
However see the workarounds section in the same link which has been provided to overcome this
Workaround - Right click on your workflow project > Properties and find the sharepoint tab on the left. Then, under the "pre-deployment command line" paste this command:
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq vssphost5.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" taskkill /f /im vssphost5.exe
exit 0