So for SharePoint Foundation 2013, here is what I got to work.
First - you do need to get the ID of the webpart you want to hide. While editing the page, right mouse button click on the title of the webpart you want to hide and select "Insepct Element" from the pop-up menu. In the DOM Explorer, scroll up a bit until you see a div with an id that starts something like 'MSOZoneCell_WebPartWP'. That is the id you need. The easiest way I found to copy the ID of the div is to right click on it in the DOM explorer and select "Edit as HTML" from the pop up menu. You will then be able to highlight the ID and copy it.
- After you have the ID, make sure you are still editing the page and position your cursor at the bottom of the page zone that contains the webpart you want to hide.
- From the tabs at the top ribbon select Insert, then select WebPart from the Ribbon.
- In the WebPart selection pick 'Media and Content' in the Categories column, then select Script Editor from the Parts column.
- Click the Add button near the bottom right hand corner of the WebPart dialog box.
- On your page you will now see something titled "Script Editor". In the script editor webpart click the arrow near the upper right hand corner and select 'Edit Web Part' from the pop-up menu.
- Once you do this, you will see a hyperlink under Script Editor that says "Edit Snipit". Click that link.
Paste the following code in the Script Editor.
function checkAdminRights() {
try {
var userId = _spPageContextInfo.userId;
var groupId = 6;
var requestHeaders = { "accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" };
url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/sitegroups(" + groupId + ")/users/getbyid(" + userId + ")",
contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
headers: requestHeaders,
success: userAdmin,
error: userNotAdmin
function userAdmin(data, request) {
// if we reach here, the current user belongs to the group
var userName = data.d.LoginName;
function userNotAdmin(error) {
var hideWP = document.getElementById("MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ3"); = "none";
catch (err)
var hideWP = document.getElementById("MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ3"); = "none";
NOTE 1: You need to change the value of the variable groupId to the value of the group the user needs to be a member of in order to NOT hide the webpart. You also need to replace the value MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ3 with the ID of the webpart you want to hide.
NOTE 2: This site will not include the checkAdminRights(); line as part of the code but it is. Please be sure that is the last line of your code in the script editor.
NOTE 3: You need to include a reference to the jquery library at the very top of the scropt. The site will not let me paste that line of code unfortunately but I used a script tag with the src=""
NOTE 4: After the line of code to include a reference to jquery, you need to have the following text script type="text/javascript" as an element which means you put a less than sign before the s in script and a greater than sign after the quote at the end. You also need an end script tag at the very bottom of the script editor.
- Once you have processed all of the NOTES above, you can click the Insert button at the bottom of the script dialog box. Then you can click the OK button in the Content Editor Dialog that is to the right side of the content you just entered.
Once you click the OK button the script should execute and the logic to hide a webpart based on a user being a member of a SharePoint group should be complete.