I need to set No for Allow items from this list to appear in search results? for my custom list, enter image description here

so I achieved this by following PowerShell scripts

//Get the list which was created
SPList spList = spWeb.Lists[Customlist];
spList.NoCrawl = true; // Not allow items to appear in search results
spList.NoCrawl = false; // Allow items to appear in search results

But I need to achieve this by XML and c#. I mean I am creating the custom list using XML and c#, I need to set that false while list creation, so I am not sure about that property name in XML. Please advise me to achieve this.

  • can you share the xml that you are using ? Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 8:35

1 Answer 1


It should be NoCrawl.

  AllowDeletion = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  AllowEveryoneViewItems = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  AlwaysIncludeContent = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  BaseType = "0" | "1" | "3" |"4" | "5"
  CacheSchema = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Catalog = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Category = "Libraries" | "Communications" | "Tracking" | 
    "Custom Lists"
  Default = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Description = "Text"
  DisableAttachments = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  DisallowContentTypes = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  DisplayName = "Text"
  DocumentAsEnclosure = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  DocumentTemplate = "Integer"
  DontSaveInTemplate = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  EditPage = "Text"
  EnableModeration = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  EnablePeopleSelector = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  EnableResourceSelector = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  FeatureId = "Text"
  FolderCreation = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Hidden = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  HiddenList = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Image = "URL"
  MultipleTypes = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  MustSaveRootFiles = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Name = "Text"
  NewPage = "Text"
  NoCrawl = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  OnQuickLaunch = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Path = "Text"
  RootWebOnly = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  SecurityBits = "Text"
  Sequence = "Integer"
  SetupPath = "Text"
  SyncType = "Text"
  Type = "Integer"
  Unique = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  UseRootFolderForNavigation = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  VersioningEnabled = "TRUE" | "FALSE">

Refer https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms462947.aspx for more details

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