I am getting a error exactly like this:
SharePoint Web Services Round Robin Service Load Balancer Event: EndpointFailure Process Name: OWSTIMER Process ID: 13708 AppDomain Name: DefaultDomain AppDomain ID: 1 Service Application Uri: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:sharepoint:service:d22ed5662d4942098aa7c4d4cda5c5a1#authority=urn:uuid:b57679fac4fc4686afa3862845c1835f&authority=https://server/Topology/topology.svc Active Endpoints: 3 Failed Endpoints:1 Affected Endpoint: http://server/ProfileService.svc
The thing is that the solution for this error is to stop and start the Managed Metadata Web Service.
But in my case, those are not even started. Is there a negative impact on starting them? Should them be started both in WFE/APP servers?