When using JSOM to add a new site column to a 2013 SharePoint web, I get the following error

Column 'ProgramName' does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user. https://server.org/it-test/jpaugh/awesomeSite

I'm using the following code. Am I doing this correctly?

var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current()
var fields = context.get_web().get_fields();
var formatted = "<field Name='ProgramName' DisplayName='Program Name' Required='true'"
   + " Group='Awesome' Type='Text' MaxLength='100'></field>";
fields.addFieldAsXml(formatted, false, SP.AddFieldOptions.addFieldCheckDisplayName);
context.executeQueryAsync(success, failure);

function success() {
    console.log("Request success");
function failure(sender, args) {
    console.error("Request failed: " + args.get_message());

1 Answer 1


The issue lies with the case of the <field> and </field> tag.

It should be <Field> and </Field>. Its case sensitive.

Also, to make it required, it needs to TRUE.

So, try the below code. Works at my end :

var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current()
var fields = context.get_web().get_fields();
var formatted = "<Field Name='ProgramName' DisplayName='Program Name' Required='TRUE'"
   + " Group='Awesome' Type='Text' MaxLength='100'></Field>";
fields.addFieldAsXml(formatted, false, SP.AddFieldOptions.addFieldCheckDisplayName);
context.executeQueryAsync(success, failure);

function success() {
    console.log("Request success");
function failure(sender, args) {
    console.error("Request failed: " + args.get_message());

Reference Field element


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