Does anyone know the full list of command line switches for OneDrive.exe? I've found a few here and there, but I would like to know the rest. Examples:

This would be helpful in order to automate certain tasks from a Desktop side connection to a SharePoint Library.

  • /takeover
  • /background
  • /configure
  • /reset

For Example:

When I manually sync a SharePoint folder, SharePoint automatically uses my OneDrive account to do this.

This means theoretically therefore, OneDrive should then be able to generate a sync event to the SharePoint if called from the command line (or used for a batch file to setup a user with standard SharePoint libraries, etc). . . Correct?

Alternatively, is there a method within SharePoint, (hopefully via URL or other easily adapted method invokable from a batch file / command prompt) to start the syncing?

I have also found this: odopen://sync?siteId=&webId=&webTitle=&listId=&listTitle=&userEmail=&listTemplateTypeId=&webUrl=&webLogoUrl=&webTemplate=&isSiteAdmin=&scope=OPENLIST

But this is ambiguous and the source (Stack Overflow) did not have any further movement. I will try to play with this option some more and provide an answer should this question be opened back up.

UPDATED EDIT: Playing with the odopen link by itself did not work, but using F12 in the browser (I am using Chrome), and choosing Network traffic allowed me to sniff out the odopen link being used, and from there I was able to produce (and also copy using right-click) the odopen link specific for the library/list needed and get it to sync - this can be called from anywhere for what it is worth. Just be sure the link used is encoded for url.

  • 1
    I have also seen the switch for the next gen sync client of: /client=personal Commented Jun 5, 2017 at 9:35
  • 1
    – user67755
    Commented Jun 8, 2017 at 13:28

1 Answer 1


Note: This is entirely based on this GitHub issue and as mentioned in the issue there should soon also be official documentation available.

Until then, these are the ones @PsychoData on GitHub was able to identify:

/rz possibly

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