How do we attach a hover event to a fabric DetailsList in an SPFX web part?

I have a list of documents in a spfx web part displayed in a fabric DetailsList.

When a user hovers over an item I want to display the document using a fabric callout with an iframe pointing to the documents 'WOPI' Url, similar to the way that SharePoint search results do when you hover over a document.

  • is addEventListener failing on those DOM elements? Commented May 23, 2017 at 6:56
  • no, the question is more about how to get to the element and add the listener using the library.
    – RussGove
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 10:44
  • I haven't seen the internals of the DetailsList, others like the ChoiceFieldGroup trigger a custom global event, but those are clicks, not mouseovers. And when you search the GitHub code there is nothing hover/mouseover to be found (at first sight) So I fear there are no mouseover hooks and you just have to go in, get the element and use vanilla JS to attach an event Commented May 23, 2017 at 11:59
  • yeah, i guess i could add some code in componentdidmount to find the elements and attach listeners. that sucks. i don't need it that bad.
    – RussGove
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 21:52

1 Answer 1


I posted this question on the office-ui-fabric-react board a few days ago and DZearing got back to me within a few hours of my asking the question.

his response can be found at https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-react/issues/1847. He recommended adding the following onRenderRow :

onRenderRow={ (props, defaultRender) => <div onMouseEnter={ () => console.log('hovering over: ' + props.item.title)}>{defaultRender(props)}</div> }

I did not know that the onRenderRow method got passed the default renderer.

So I created my details list like this:

                onRenderRow={(props, defaultRender) => this.renderDocumentRow(props, defaultRender)}
                  { key: "Edit", onRender: this.rendeDocumentAsLink, name: "", fieldName: "Title", minWidth: 20, },
                  { key: "title", name: "Request #", fieldName: "title", minWidth: 80, },


In the renderDocumentRow method, I wrapped the entire row withini a div that has mouseenter and mouserout events:

 public renderDocumentRow(props,defaultRender): JSX.Element {

    return (
        onMouseEnter={(event) => this.documentRowMouseEnter(props.item, event)}
        onMouseOut={(evemt) => this.documentRowMouseOut(props.item, event)}

The mousein and moouseout methods get the wopiframeurl for the document hovered over, and set some state variables so that I can render an iframe with the wpoisource:

public documentRowMouseEnter(trdocument: TRDocument, e: any) {
//mode passed to fetchDocumentWopiFrameURL: 0: view, 1: edit, 2: mobileView, 3: interactivePreview
    this.props.fetchDocumentWopiFrameURL(trdocument.id, 3).then(url => {
      if (!url || url === "") {
        url = trdocument.serverRalativeUrl;
      this.state.documentCalloutTarget = e.target;
      this.state.documentCalloutVisible = true;

  public documentRowMouseOut(item: TRDocument, e: any) {

    this.state.documentCalloutTarget = null;
    this.state.documentCalloutVisible = false;
    console.log("mouse exit for " + item.title);

The render method has the list of documents in a left aligned div, and an iframe in a right aligned div . As a user hovers over a row on the left, a preview of the document is displayed on the right:

        <div style={{ float: "left" }}> 
            onRenderRow={(props, defaultRender) => this.renderDocumentRow(props, defaultRender)}
              { key: "Edit", onRender: this.rendeDocumentAsLink, name: "", fieldName: "Title", minWidth: 20, },
              { key: "title", name: "Request #", fieldName: "title", minWidth: 80, },

          <input type='file' id='uploadfile' onChange={e => { debugger; this.uploadFile(e) }} />
        <div style={{ float: "right" }}>
        <DocumentIframe src={this.state.documentCalloutIframeUrl} />
        <div style={{ clear: "both" }}></div>


The display looks like this as I hover over the Office Brand Guidelines file on the left:enter image description here

It's a little slow to load the document images as I hover over the different documents(especially for larger documents), but it works great, is visually appealing and provides value to the users.

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