I have two custom lists in the side bar of my page. I have altered way it looks using the cisar app so that it displays just the images in a row with a title that I have entered manually above. Then the user hovers over an image the title that relates to that row in the list shown be appended to the main title above - I have achieved this with only one list on the page. When I add two lists with different js links, it seems to only use the last one for both lists. Is there a way to stop this?
I have tried using an if statement in the one js file like below;
if(ctx.ListTitle = "This List") {
//Run Custom Template Code for this list
if(ctx.ListTitle = "Another List") {
//Run Custom Template Code for this list
But this doesn't work.
The image below shows that when I hover over an image from the bottom list, it changes the text in the top title.
The code below is from one of the JS files that is linked to a list, the other JS file is a copy but references different classes/id's
SP.SOD.executeFunc("clienttemplates.js", "SPClientTemplates", function() {
function getBaseHtml(ctx) {
return SPClientTemplates["_defaultTemplates"].Fields.default.all.all[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.FieldType][ctx.BaseViewID](ctx);
function init() {
// OnPreRender: function(ctx) { },
Templates: {
// View: function(ctx) { return ""; },
Header: function(ctx) { return "<div class='sideListItem'><p class='sideLinksTitle' id='eesidelinks'>Useful Links</p>"; },
// Body: function(ctx) { return ""; },
// Group: function(ctx) { return ""; },
Item: function(ctx) { return returnListItem(ctx) },
//Item: function(ctx) { return "<a href="+ctx.CurrentItem["Link"]+"><img class='sideListImg tinted' src="+ctx.CurrentItem["Image"] + " onmouseover='showTitle("+ctx.CurrentItem["Title"]+")'></a>"; },
// Fields: {
// "<field internal name>": {
// View: function(ctx) { return ""; },
// EditForm: function(ctx) { return ""; },
// DisplayForm: function(ctx) { return ""; },
// NewForm: function(ctx) { return ""; }
// }
// },
Footer: function(ctx) { return "</div>"; }
OnPostRender: function(ctx) { addListeners(); },
ListTemplateType: 100
function returnListItem(ctx) {
var tempVar = ctx.CurrentItem["Title"];
var ret = "<a href="+ctx.CurrentItem["Link"]+"><img alt='" + ctx.CurrentItem["Title"] + "' class='sideListImg sideListImgEE tinted' src="+ctx.CurrentItem["Image"] + "></a>";
return ret;
function addListeners(){
var classname = document.getElementsByClassName("sideListImgEE");
for (var i = 0; i < classname.length; i++) {
classname[i].addEventListener('mouseover', sidelistEEOver, false);
classname[i].addEventListener('mouseout', sidelistEEOut, false);
RegisterModuleInit(SPClientTemplates.Utility.ReplaceUrlTokens("~siteCollection/Style Library/eeSideList.js"), init);
I've seen one solution but it required editing the master pages which I can't do?
Any Ideas?