I'm looking to add a custom Status Indicator column to records within a document library, which would show an image depending on a field's value. "Pass = Tick.jpg", "Fail = Cross.jpg", that kind of thing. I'm currently trying to do this with JS Link, and I have a couple of questions about implementation.
Firstly, is there a way to make sure the Template override appears in all iterations of the column? I want it to appear in web parts and the list view, but not necessarily forms.
Secondly, I'd like to include the column for the Status Indicator in different Content Types. Is this possible so my custom status images appear site-wide?
Thirdly, Can this override be applied in a way that it automatically applies to new sub-sites created, where the same column/content types appear?
Basically, I'm trying to apply my JS Link as a blanket rule if possible. In plain text, the behaviour should be "Wherever this column appears in the site (and sub-sites), replace the text with a correspoinding image".
I'm just beginning with JS Link, so any links to explainers/feature lists would be useful too. Thanks!