I have a Document library inside a Team site collection on sharepoint server 2013. now our customer asked us if there is a way to download multiple files at once from the document library. now i can following these 2 steps:-

  1. under "Library" tab >> "Open with explorer".
  2. or i can click on "New document" >> "upload files using Windows Explorer instead "

but some of our users are using Firefox, chrome & safari, and seems the above 2 options are not available on non-IE browses. so for those users who are using non-IE browsers is there a way to download multiple files at once ??


1 Answer 1


The only other way would be to map the document library as a network location. The basics steps to do this are:

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Right click Computer and then click "Add a network location"
  • Click Next until the "Specify the location of your website" page
  • Enter the URL to your document library, e.g. https://example.com/sites/bobssite/Shared%20Documents, and click Next
  • Give this network location a name, E.g. Bob's Shared Docs
  • Click Next, then Finish

You should now see this network location in Windows Explorer. This would be especially helpful if your users needed to upload/download multiple files regularly. If your users aren't going to be doing this regularly, it might just be easier for them to open the document library in Internet Explorer.

  • i thought there is a way similar to "open with explorer" to do so on non-IE browsers
    – John John
    Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 16:57

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