I have got HTML from designer which only uses two CSS; bootstrap.css and myStyle.css (custom CSS). There is no other CSS or JS file in HTML. The design looks fine when I open it in browser.
But when I convert the same HTML into SharePoint Master Page (using Design Manager) then whole designs messes up. It looks like bootstrap CSS is messing up with SharePoint CSS. I have tried using "after" but it shows the same messed up design.
<!--SPM:<SharePoint:CssRegistration Name="<%$SPUrl:~SiteCollection/Style Library/css/bootstrap.css%>" after="corev15.css" runat="server"/>-->
<!--SPM:<SharePoint:CssRegistration Name="<%$SPUrl:~SiteCollection/Style Library/css/myStyle.css%>" after="corev15.css" runat="server"/>-->
Has anyone used bootstrap with SharePoint successfuly?