I have used following PS script to update a manage metadata column. Not sure how to go by updating a managed-metadata column. I know I need to only populate with "10;#Wholesale Agreement" in SalesType field. Why the code is not updating? I am getting error but wont give me details. [Ed: Per later answer by original poster the following updated code is working].

$webUrl = "http://intranet.nissan.usa/sites/sentra"
$web = Get-SPWeb $webUrl
$list = $web.Lists["sales"]
$ct = "Sales Agreements"
$f = "SalesType" #Column Name      
$newTerm = "10;#Wholesale Agreement|1274c09f-4a41-453e-8422-60601d61bd11"

foreach ($item in $list.items)
    try {
        If ($item.ContentType.Name -eq $ct)
            $field = $list.Fields[$f]
            $fieldValue = $item[$f]

            if($fieldValue -eq $null)
                $item[$field] = $newTerm                
        Write-Host $item.Name " error occured" 
#finally dispose the web
  • Any idea why the field (managed metadata type field) is not updating with the value..... Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 19:17

1 Answer 1


Here is the final version. I had to use SP Manager to get the guid of the term set. I am sure I can add more logic to PS script and look for actual term. But for now this works...

I updated the code with the working code in the original post and below.

$webUrl = "http://intranet.nissan.usa/sites/sentra"
$web = Get-SPWeb $webUrl
$list = $web.Lists["sales"]
$ct = "Sales Agreements"
$f = "SalesType" #Column Name      
$newTerm = "10;#Wholesale Agreement|1274c09f-4a41-453e-8422-60601d61bd11"

foreach ($item in $list.items)
    try {
        If ($item.ContentType.Name -eq $ct)
            $field = $list.Fields[$f]
            $fieldValue = $item[$f]
        if($fieldValue -eq $null)
            $item[$field] = $newTerm                
    Write-Host $item.Name " error occured" 

finally dispose the web


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