I'm trying to create a SharePoint 2016 AddIn in VisualStudio Professional 2015 with Updates3 but after doing so I'm getting the following Errors:
File '../scripts/jquery-1.9.1.min.js' was not found.SharePointAddIn2 c:\users\bpopnikolov\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\SharePointAddIn2\SharePointAddIn2\Pages\Default.aspx
Cannot initialize the following SharePoint project item: 'Scripts'. This item requires a type provider that has the following ID, but this provider could not be found: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Module'. Reinstall the extension that provides this item type, or remove the item from your project. Solution 'SharePointAddIn2'
Cannot initialize the following SharePoint project item: 'Content'. This item requires a type provider that has the following ID, but this provider could not be found: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Module'. Reinstall the extension that provides this item type, or remove the item from your project. Solution 'SharePointAddIn2' (0 projects)
Cannot initialize the following SharePoint project item: 'Images'. This item requires a type provider that has the following ID, but this provider could not be found: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Module'. Reinstall the extension that provides this item type, or remove the item from your project. Solution 'SharePointAddIn2' (0 projects)
Cannot initialize the following SharePoint project item: 'Pages'. This item requires a type provider that has the following ID, but this provider could not be found: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Module'. Reinstall the extension that provides this item type, or remove the item from your project. Solution 'SharePointAddIn2' (0 projects)
I have installed: