I want to identify the splist is a sharepoint calendar or not before i start my function.

So how to identify a sharepoint calendar or it is just a sharepoint list?

5 Answers 5


Check that SPList is Calendar(Events) list or not:

using (SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site)
                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                    web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;

                    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("Calendar1");
                    if (list != null)
                        if (list.BaseTemplate == SPListTemplateType.Events)
                            //It is Calendar list

                    web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;


You can use below code to check list template type using C#

using (SPSite site = new SPSite("<server url>"))
  using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
        SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("My List");
        if (list != null)
          if (list.BaseTemplate== SPListTemplateType.Events)
                    //Call function


Hope this will help you!

  • 1
    list.BaseType will return GenericList .. Use list.BaseTemplate Commented Jan 5, 2017 at 4:38

We can also achieve this by PnP JS Core library. Here I have provided two options to identify whether the given list is calendar type or now.

Calendar List's Base Template is 106

Option 1: The options 1 checks the list is calendar type or not during the request and returns if anyone found with the condition

function isCalendartype(lstName) {
    $pnp.sp.web.lists.filter("(Title eq '" + lstName + "') and (BaseTemplate eq 106)").get().then(function(res) {
        if (res.length === 0)
            console.log(lstName + ' list is not a calendar type');
            console.log(lstName + ' list is a calendar type');



Option 2: This options gets the list information based on title and then check whether the list is calendar type or not.

function isCalendartype(lstName) {
    $pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle("DevEvents").get().then(function(res) {
        if (res.BaseTemplate === 106)
            console.log(lstName + ' list is a calendar type');
            console.log(lstName + ' list is not a calendar type');


I hope the above given helps you to check in client side.


Below can be done using REST API

  url: "<app web url>/_api/SP.AppContextSite(@target)/web
    ?@target='<host web url>'",
  method: "GET",
  headers: { "accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
  success: successHandler,
  error: errorHandler

BaseTemplate Int32 R Yes

Gets the list definition type on which the list is based. Represents a ListTemplateType value. See ListTemplateType in the .NET client object model reference for template type values.

BaseTemplate for Calendar is 106. For other template type refer here


in Sharepoint We have So many Types Of lists There are 1)CustomList 2) Document Library list 3) picture Library list 4) Announce ment list 5) task list

like that if you want to add any list at right corner of your site a gear option will come click on that and add an app you will add which list you want.and finally i am showing difference between calender list And Customelist

Calender list View:-

enter image description here

customList View:-

enter image description here

  • 1
    yes, you are showing what is the different between SP Calendar and SP List. However, i want to identify these two list type in programmatically. Do you have any idea?
    – king yau
    Commented Jan 5, 2017 at 3:57

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