I have a custom sharepoint list that we are inputting data into. (SharePoint 2013.) This is a fresh list and was not migrated over from any other version of SharePoint.

Everything can be edited through Quick Edit, except for columns that have checkboxes. I have attempted to quick edit through a Standard View, and a Datasheet View. I can edit any other type of column, but when I try to edit the checkbox, that cell gets greyed out.

I checked the view, and the "Allow individual item checkboxes" is selected under Tabular View.

There is no Groupings under Group By.

Style is set to "Default". I tried switching to a different style, saving, and switching back to "Default" and saving. No dice.

Everything else is set to defaults as far as I can see.

There are no workflows for this list.

Why am I unable to edit checkbox columns in Quick Edit mode in Standard view, or with a Datasheet view?

EDIT: With further testing, I see that a checkbox cell becomes read-only if you enable Allow 'Fill-in' choices for that multi-choice column. Pretty funky. Is there anyway around quick editing a checkbox column that allows Fill-in options? I would rather not have to open up every single item in order to edit that column.

1 Answer 1


It's by design, In Quick Edit, unfortunately, you can't Allow 'Fill-in' choices with Checkboxes (allow multiple selections)

enter image description here

There is no explicit workaround to do this, but in bulk edit, you should choose between the following options

  • Checkboxes (allow multiple selections) without Allow 'Fill-in' choices, or
  • Drop-Down Menu with Allow 'Fill-in' choices.
  • Weird, as on a separate 2010 SharePoint server we are able to edit checkboxes with fill-ins. Oh, Microsoft! Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 16:11
  • 1
    you are welcome, please set it as an answer if it helped you, it's the true sign beside my answer also check this to get informed badge sharepoint.stackexchange.com/tour Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 18:13

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