I am working on SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise, and I have implemented the following event receiver which is scoped at the Web level, and will fire when a list item is added:-

public class EventReceiver1 : SPItemEventReceiver
        /// <summary>
        /// An item is being added.
        /// </summary>

        public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)

//code goes here
 SPWeb newSite = spCurrentSite.Webs.Add(curItemSiteName, curItemSiteName, "subsite was added automatically", Convert.ToUInt16(1033), webTemplate, false, false);

Now as shown above, the event receiver will create a new sub-site when a list item is added. Now the above event receiver will work fine when users with "Full Control" Permission add an item (users who can create sub-sites), but if a user with Contribute permission adds a new list item , the event receiver will raise the following exception :-

Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

when trying to create the new sub-site, since a contributor user can not create subsites. So can anyone advice if there is a way to force my event receiver to bypass the permission checking when creating a new sub-site?

Here is my full Event Receiver code:--

 public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)


            // Get the web where the event was raised

            SPWeb spCurrentSite = properties.OpenWeb();

            //Get the name of the list where the event was raised         

            String curListName = properties.ListTitle;

            //If the list is our list named SubSites the create a new subsite directly below the current site

            if (curListName.ToLower() == "projects")

                //Get the SPListItem object that raised the event

                SPListItem curItem = properties.ListItem;

                //Get the Title field from this item. This will be the name of our new subsite

                String curItemSiteName = properties.AfterProperties["Title"].ToString();

                //Get the Description field from this item. This will be the description for our new subsite

                //string curItemDescription = properties.AfterProperties["Description"].ToString();

                //Update the SiteUrl field of the item, this is the URL of our new subsite

                //properties.AfterProperties["SiteUrl"] = spCurrentSite.Url + "/" + curItemSiteName;

                // Get the rootweb where we will find the available templates

                SPWeb rootWeb = spCurrentSite.Site.RootWeb;

                //Get all the webtemplates available on this site collection

                SPWebTemplateCollection webTemplates = rootWeb.GetAvailableWebTemplates(1033);

                SPWebTemplate webTemplate = null;

                String webTemplateName = "NewProject"; //this is the name of the template we will use

                String webTemplateSearchName = "";

                //Get the template based on name. In this example 'ProjectTemplate'

                //Loop through the available templates
                for (int i = 0; i < webTemplates.Count; i++)

                    webTemplateSearchName = webTemplates[i].Name.ToString();

                    if (webTemplateSearchName.Contains(webTemplateName))
                        //when we have found the matching template,set webTemplate to the foundt template and exit the if loop
                        webTemplate = webTemplates[webTemplateSearchName];




                //Create the subsite based on the template from the Solution Gallery

                SPWeb newSite = spCurrentSite.Webs.Add(curItemSiteName, curItemSiteName, "123", Convert.ToUInt16(1033), webTemplate, false, false);

                //Set the new subsite to inherit it's top navigation from the parent site, Use false if you do not want this.

                newSite.Navigation.UseShared = true;





1 Answer 1


try it as below:

public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)

    SPUserToken systemAccountUserToken = SPContext.Current.Site.SystemAccount.UserToken;
    using (SPSite elevatedSite =new SPSite(properties.SiteId,systemAccountUserToken)) 
        SPWeb newSite = elevatedSite.AllWebs.Add(curItemSiteName, curItemSiteName, "subsite was added automatically", Convert.ToUInt16(1033), webTemplate, false, false);

Or using this method:

public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
         using (SPSite site = new SPSite(properties.SiteId))
            SPWeb newSite = site.AllWebs.Add(curItemSiteName, curItemSiteName, "subsite was added automatically", Convert.ToUInt16(1033), webTemplate, false, false);

The above code will run with elevated permissions.

Try the below full code:

public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)

        using (SPSite site = new SPSite(properties.SiteId))
            using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                String curListName = properties.ListTitle;

                //If the list is our list named SubSites the create a new subsite directly below the current site                                                

                if (curListName.ToLower() == "projects")

                    //Get the SPListItem object that raised the event

                    SPListItem curItem = properties.ListItem;

                    //Get the Title field from this item. This will be the name of our new subsite

                    String curItemSiteName = properties.AfterProperties["Title"].ToString();

                    //Get the Description field from this item. This will be the description for our new subsite

                    //string curItemDescription = properties.AfterProperties["Description"].ToString();

                    //Update the SiteUrl field of the item, this is the URL of our new subsite

                    //properties.AfterProperties["SiteUrl"] = spCurrentSite.Url + "/" + curItemSiteName;

                    // Get the rootweb where we will find the available templates

                    SPWeb rootWeb = web.Site.RootWeb;

                    //Get all the webtemplates available on this site collection

                    SPWebTemplateCollection webTemplates = rootWeb.GetAvailableWebTemplates(1033);

                    SPWebTemplate webTemplate = null;

                    String webTemplateName = "NewProject"; //this is the name of the template we will use

                    String webTemplateSearchName = "";

                    //Get the template based on name. In this example 'ProjectTemplate'

                    //Loop through the available templates
                    for (int i = 0; i < webTemplates.Count; i++)

                        webTemplateSearchName = webTemplates[i].Name.ToString();

                        if (webTemplateSearchName.Contains(webTemplateName))
                            //when we have found the matching template,set webTemplate to the foundt template and exit the if loop
                            webTemplate = webTemplates[webTemplateSearchName];




                    //Create the subsite based on the template from the Solution Gallery

                    SPWeb newSite = web.Webs.Add(curItemSiteName, curItemSiteName, "subsite was added automatically", Convert.ToUInt16(1033), webTemplate, false, false);
                    //Set the new subsite to inherit it's top navigation from the parent site, Use false if you do not want this.

                    newSite.Navigation.UseShared = true;




  • 2
    Big heads-up with using SPContext in event receivers. It will be null if the code is not called from a web process (like if called from a console application or timer job) Commented Dec 4, 2016 at 10:39
  • 1
    @johng correct! You should be able to get the site and web from the properties instead Commented Dec 4, 2016 at 16:24
  • 1
    check updated full event receiver code now. Have also added @RobertLindgren 's suggestion to use properties Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 6:21
  • 1
    @johnG - i think it should work just fine. Havent tested it as my VM crashed. Can you test the code ? let me know if you face the same issue again, will recreate the it tomorrow as i would need to new environment. Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 12:29
  • 1
    @johnG - my bad. You were correct regarding the spweb object. Have updated the code. Should work with elevated permissions now. Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 14:08

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